Giovanni Rovetta | Vespro solenne
Cantus Cölln, Konrad Junghänel
10 de Répertoire
...un feu d'artifice, tout de lumière et de couleurs. Éloquent et sans aucun raideur, ardent et incisif, le geste du chef ne laisse rien de coté, et l'effet est proprement jubilatoire.
Répertoire N° 145 April 2001...exceptionally brilliant, resplendent in choral homophony, virtuosic in passagi, and strongly projected in Rovetta's frequent declamatory passages. ... an outstanding disc that will have strong appeal to anyone who responds to Monteverdi's sacred music. Recommended without reservation.
Fanfare Sept./ Okt. 2001
Cantus Cölln find so much to say about the music, and are so eloquent in their reading of its rhetorical power, that it's hard to believe they haven't had Rovetta in their repertory for years. ... we have the makings of an award winner on our hands.
International Record Review Juli/ Aug. 2001
Nele Gramß, Hedwig Westhoff-Düppmann Sopran | Elisabeth Popien, Henning Voss Alt | Hans Jörg Mammel, Wilfried Jochens, Sebastian Hübner Tenor | Stephan Schreckenberger, Matthias Gerchen Bass
Bruce Dickey, Doron Sherwin Zink | Ulla Bundies, Veronika Skuplik Violine | Albert Brüggen Violoncello | Myriam Shalinsky Kontrabass | Carsten Lohff Orgel
Konrad Junghänel Laute und Leitung
Vespro solenne
harmonia mundi 2001/2008
HMC 901706/HMA 1951706